Following surgery, you will probably be desperate to get back to normality. Recovering from surgery can be extremely draining, however there are a few things you can do to speed up the process and help your body to become as healthy as possible.
Although these things might aid recovery, it is vital to listen to your body and never do too much too soon, as you don’t want to take steps backwards!
1. Eat Nutritious Foods
Following most surgeries, your body will need nutrients and fibre, as well as protein to help with your strength. This isn’t the case for all surgeries, such as bowel operations, so make sure you discuss what you should be eating with your surgeon.
Try to avoid processed foods and focus on eating a variety of fruit and vegetables for vitamins and minerals. Eat berries for their antioxidant properties, healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds and soft lean protein sources, like chicken breast or seafood.
Make a plan at the beginning of each week containing plenty of different foods to help you consume all the nutrients that will help your body to recover as quickly as possible.
2. Get Plenty of Rest
Whilst getting up and moving around is important, you definitely need to make sure you are getting plenty of rest. Whether you’ve had a mummy makeover or knee surgery, your body needs rest as this is when the body heals best.
Whenever you feel like you need a nap, make sure to take one. Find a healthy balance between moving around to help recovery and giving your body the time it needs to properly heal. Discuss this with your doctors to ensure you aren’t doing too much, or not enough.
3. Move As Much As You Can
Every surgery is different, so the extent to which you can move around will vary. However, you need to make sure that you are staying mobile as this will help you to gradually build strength and also to avoid complications with blood clots, which can occur when someone is bed bound.
Again, this is something you will need to discuss with your surgeon, but a good place to start is doing very short walks. This might only be to the other side of the room, but it will all make a difference. You can then start to walk further when you feel more confident, perhaps a short walk outside, and then continue to work your way up.
When you are sitting or lying down for a large proportion of the day, it is common for you to feel more light headed when you do walk around. So, until you feel more stable, make sure you don’t go too far and that you are always accompanied by someone else, whether this be a loved one or carer.
Final Thoughts
To conclude, although surgery recovery can take a long time, it is important that you don’t do too much too soon. Make sure you eat nutritious foods, get plenty of rest and move around as much as you can to aid a healthy recovery.
No matter whether you have had plastic surgery Manchester based or an emergency operation in London, you shouldn’t do anything until it has been cleared by your surgeon to be on the safe side!