Building A Career In E-Learning Voice Overs
E-learning has been around for a while, but it’s still not something that everyone knows about. In order to get started in this niche of voice work, you’ll need to know what e-learning is and how it works. E-learning is any sort of course delivered by means of the internet or another type of digital platform. It can be anything from a self-guided how-to video series on YouTube to an interactive program run through your school’s learning management system (LMS). So what does an e-learning voice overs sound like? Well, it depends. Depending on the type of project you’re working on and there are many different types your job could include acting out scenarios or reading out loud scripts written by someone else.
What Is E-Learning?
E-learning is a learning process that uses technology for the distribution, delivery and management of education. It encompasses all methods of electronic communication and instruction that enable students to facilitate their own learning. This can be done through online courses, multimedia tools such as online simulations or virtual labs, mobile apps as well as other media.
E-Learning has many advantages over traditional classroom based teaching methods such as:
- Cost effectiveness – e-learning materials can be made available at low cost through digital means which also means they are easily accessible by learners around the world at any time of day or night.
- Time saving – with e-learning learners are able to study when it suits them because there is no need for fixed class times or locations; this makes it easy for them to fit studying into their busy schedules without disrupting work commitments or family life.
What Does an eLearning Voice Over Sound Like?
While you may be tempted to think of e-learning voice overs as the same thing as commercial voice over, audiobook voice over and IVR/phone system voice over, there are some key differences.
An eLearning VO is designed to help people learn something new. It can be an instructional video or a podcast that helps someone navigate through a process or a program. The goal is to make learning easy and enjoyable for learners so they retain more information in the long term.
This is different from commercial VO work which requires actors with excellent character voices and acting chops that can convey emotion and personality in their words. Audiobook narrators need expert pacing skills with the ability to get into their character’s headspace quickly if they’re reading from an old book written by someone else! IVR/Phone System VOs need vocal variety because customers are on hold for short periods of time so there’s not much opportunity for speaking between callers before it’s time again.
Practice Makes Perfect
Whether it’s a script you’ve written or an existing one, it’s important to write out your script and practice reading it before recording. The more familiar you are with what you’re saying and how the words sound when they come out of your mouth, the easier it will be to record with …