A balanced diet is one that includes all seven major classes of foods. It is the standard nutritional requirement for healthy eating and a healthy life. However, there are times when individuals decide that they need diets tailored to favor a specific class of food for either medical or aesthetics purposes. Today, there are different categories like Low Carbohydrate/ High Fat, High Carbohydrate/ Low Fat, and many variations in between. There is also the Protein-based diet, which involves using protein as the major component of meals. Why would anyone want a protein-based diet?
Protein Diet: Plant or Animal
Protein is a major class of food that is responsible for brain development, growth, healthy bones and tissues, and the production of hormones. Proteins are also the major sources of amino acids, which are the building blocks of the body. Proteins can be obtained from two major sources, plants and animals. This leads to another categorization, where some favor plant-based protein for their meal plans (sometimes to the exclusion of the other type) and others favor animal-based protein.
While plant protein can be obtained from legumes, lentils, soya, tofu, and other such products, they do not carry all the essential amino acids, and therefore need to be varied to obtain the different proteins from the different foods. This is not so with animal protein, and even before life became this refined, a man had depended on both types of protein for his wholesome sustenance. Evolution, however, does not only happen to organisms but also the quality of food and nutrients they require, hence branching out to different categories of diets available today.
Why Protein Diet
It is estimated that for each kilogram of body weight, the protein requirement is 0.7grams, but that is not carved in stone as it is also dependent on sex, level of activity, and age. There are several reasons people might choose to go on a protein diet. Protein diets are said to be good for people who need to reduce their weight or maintain a certain weight level due to medical conditions or for fitness purposes. Another category of people who rely heavily on protein are athletes, gymnasts, powerlifters, and bodybuilders, majorly, people that lead very active lifestyles. Proteins are needed to repair tissues, build muscles, and generally keep fit, which is why companies such as suomiarvostelut supply reviews about such nutritional requirements for those who require it. Some other people follow a protein diet as a requirement for a healthy pregnancy period and lactation.
Pros of Protein Diet
People on a weight loss journey will find that protein-diets speeds up the process, or at the very least, keeps the journey sustainable. Proteins keep people fuller for longer, as it takes more time to be broken down by the body. It also helps weight maintenance and prevention of regaining lost weight. Bodybuilders and other athletes that need muscle mass, as well as elderly people, will benefit highly from the Protein diet. Adding protein to other types of diets also helps to optimize such and ensure that the overall result of being healthy is achieved. The skin, hair, joints, and bones all benefit from a diet high in protein as it aids cell regeneration and repairs.
Cons of Protein Diet
Anything done to excess will generate negative results, and if an individual’s main nutrition is based largely on one nutrient, the lack or insufficiency of other nutrients will have its adverse effects. As good as protein diets are, there are some disadvantages, one of which is the increased likelihood of kidney problems, as the organ will have to work harder to digest proteins, causing dehydration and wearing out the kidney. Another health challenge that might occur from prolonged protein-diets is a heart problem. Animal protein can be high in saturated fat which is bad for the heart. Furthermore, the acids released by the body to digest proteins require calcium to work, and this can lead to low calcium in the body as the available calcium gets diverted for digestion, and this can have adverse effects on the bones, teeth, and joints. Protein diets can also lead to an increase in allergic reactions in some people, as well as indigestion, heartburn, constipation, and flatulence.
The Verdict
Going on a protein diet is not a bad idea if it is done from a position of knowledge. It is however advisable that you supplement your nutrition to ensure that your body does not become deprived of any nutrient, micro or macro. Also, consulting a dietician would not be a bad idea.